Published at : January 06, 2023
EDIT: MR PIXEL has made a Tweet, talking about the situation. THE GAME IS NOT CANCELLED! It's on hold though and because of trolls pretending to leak the Game, there will be Consequences: https://twitter.com/mrpixel110308/status/1610441940469784576?s=46&t=trY-KkdpwRvgDHD_mnpt6g
It seems like Mr Pixel wants to cancel Sonic.EXE One Last Round because people "pretended" to have leaked the Demo. In reality someone has just reuploaded the Gameplay of some of the Beta Testers (which were allowed to make Videos and upload them on YouTube)
The "Leaked" Video has put a download Link into the description which turned out to be the Troll Eggman Rickroll Demo that was uploaded to Gamejolt a few days ago.
Seem like Mr Pixel didn't find it amusing and wants to cancel the game!
Hope he has a change of heart and this was only a warning for future Leakers!
Please don't message Mr Pixel and respect his boundaries.
I'm in contact with him and let you guys know if there are any updates to the situation!
All the best to Mr Pixel!
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It seems like Mr Pixel wants to cancel Sonic.EXE One Last Round because people "pretended" to have leaked the Demo. In reality someone has just reuploaded the Gameplay of some of the Beta Testers (which were allowed to make Videos and upload them on YouTube)
The "Leaked" Video has put a download Link into the description which turned out to be the Troll Eggman Rickroll Demo that was uploaded to Gamejolt a few days ago.
Seem like Mr Pixel didn't find it amusing and wants to cancel the game!
Hope he has a change of heart and this was only a warning for future Leakers!
Please don't message Mr Pixel and respect his boundaries.
I'm in contact with him and let you guys know if there are any updates to the situation!
All the best to Mr Pixel!
➤ Get your videos and streams to the next level with Elgato: http://e.lga.to/Luigikid
➤ Talk to me on Discord: http://discord.gg/luigikid
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➤ Follow me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rene_luigikid
➤ Instagram: http://instagram.com/rene_luigikid
➤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealLuigikid
➤ Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/Luigikid?sub_confirmation=1
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sonic.exesonic.exe one last roundsonic.exe one last round eggman demo