OMG!! This Character Will Become An F2P ARCHON In Version 2.3...
Published at : November 15, 2021
MihoYo already announced their new free 4 star weapon specifically for Albedo and New Artifacts sets which are also good on Albedo, and also Gorou Elemental skill definitely will increase Albedo damage. So with these new setup Albedo now can be main DPS and he is F2P Friendly no need to pull for constellations and you can save your Freemogems or Free Primogems for something else like on Arataki Itto Banner to get gorou.
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#GenshinImpact #원신 #原神 #ГеншинИмпакт #UndiscoveryCh #Albedo
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➝ Genshin Impact OST Albedo Theme
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