Hiruni Wijayaratne - 1 Mile, 6 x (600m, 200m), 1 Mile

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Published at : November 19, 2021

With 19 days until the California International Marathon Hiruni Wijayaratne (Sir Lankan National Record Holder over 13 distances including the Half Marathon and Marathon) tackles a speed workout.

The workout: 1 Mile at Threshold. 6 sets of (600m + 200m), 1 Mile at Threshold.

Accompanied by Hiruni is Molly Gabill (70:40 Half Marathoner), Nell Rojas (2:27 Marathoner, 6th at Boston 21') and Elizabeth Weiler. Overlooking the workout is coach Rick Rojas.

Sweat Elite Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweatelite/

Hiruni Wijayaratne Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hiruni_w/

Nell Rojas Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nell_rojas_running/

Molly Grabill Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollyjgrabill/

Ric Rojas Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ricrojasrunningtrack/

Videographer (Cole Rutkowski) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/balenciagashortshorts/

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