Cheap At Home Body Work And Paint Prep - Hack Certified. 1957 Chevy 4 Door To 2 Door Conversion

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Published at : November 01, 2021

Body work sucks...... Video description complete.

In all reality it was a pretty jam packed couple of days. Grinding and prepping the old 4 door skins to for filler took a fair amount of my time. Followed by hours of applying filler then sanding most of it off. After 3 or 4 coats of filler the car was ready for a coat of high build primer. I really wish I was better/faster at body work. It's such a time suck

I also convinced Mur to stop by and help me install the hood and deck lid. The deck lid required a lot of work around the hinges. At some point in its life the truck hinges were torch cut/torn completely off the car. I grafted on a donor set and the lid bolted on and fit first try! We have ourselves a fully assembled hot rod! Up next is a quick splash job to blend 60 year old paint!

If you made it this far leave me a comment below.

Check out the merch and thanks for watching! Cheap At Home Body Work And Paint Prep - Hack Certified. 1957 Chevy 4 Door To 2 Door Conversion
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