Petrol, Diesel Price will decrease before Diwali / PM Modi to inaugurated Kushinagar Int Airport

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Published at : October 21, 2021

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Kushinagar International Airport in Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday and participate in an event marking 'Abhidhamma Day' at Mahaparinirvana Temple.
Eminent monks from Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, South Korea, Nepal, Bhutan, Cambodia and ambassadors of various countries will take part in the Abhidhamma Day event
A Sri Lankan delegation consisting of 123 delegates including a 12-member Holy Relic entourage led by current Mahanayaka of Waskaduwa Temple is attending the event with Holy Relics. These relics are accepted as real relics (bone fragments, ashes, pieces of Jewels of the Buddha).
Paintings of Ajanta frescos, Buddhist Sutra calligraphy, and Buddhist artefacts excavated from Vadnagar and other sites in Gujarat will also be exhibited.
The Union Ministry of Culture and International Buddhist Confederation in association with the Government of Uttar Pradesh is organising the 'Abhidhamma Day' on the auspicious occasion of Ashwin Poornima.
The day marks the end of three-month rainy retreat - Varshavaas or Vassa - for the Buddhist monks and nuns during which they stay at one place in vihara and monastery, and pray.
The Sri Lankan delegation also comprises of Anunayakas (deputy heads) of all four Nikatas (orders) of Buddhism in the country - Asgiriya, Amarapura, Ramanya, Malwatta. It also includes five cabinet ministers of Sri Lanka led by Namal Rajapakshe.
According to a Culture Ministry release, the highlight of the event is the exposition of Holy Buddha Relic being brought from Waskaduwa Sri Subuddhi Rajvihara Temple, Sri Lanka by the Mahanayaka of the temple.

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Stay tuned OdiaTechBulletin! Petrol, Diesel Price will decrease before Diwali / PM Modi to inaugurated Kushinagar Int Airport
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