šŸ‘ˆ Example of Imran Khan šŸ”• and Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed my Opinion

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Published at : October 17, 2021

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Very simple are those who consider Imran Khan simple. Of course, the status quo has not passed him by, but he is second to none in politics.

When the need arises, they do not hesitate to throw away the benefactors like Akbar S. Babar to Jahangir Tareen and if need be, they also embrace people like Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed and Babar Awan who sat on the TV in front of them. Personal attacks were carried out.

The way Khan Sahib is using the card of religion, our political clerics have never done the same. He first used the blasphemy and religion card against Nawaz Sharif. After coming to power, people like Shahbaz Gul, Zulfi Bukhari and Asad Umar gathered around him but started using the name Madina State.
The way they used institutions like judiciary, media and NAB, they can't do twenty Nawaz Sharif and ten Asif Zardari together. As much as he has made the national security agencies controversial, he cannot make hundreds of Narendra Modi.

These days, Imran Khan speaks less for the sake of political needs than the Prime Minister, while Allama, historians and preachers try to look more. However, even if we refer to the date, we select it and if we resort to a religious order, we also select it according to our wishes.
For example, these days he has once again started mentioning the overthrow of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed at the hands of Hazrat Umar Farooq and everyone knows who he wants to send a message through but the question is that Hazrat Umar Farooq Did he do just that? Which he mentions again and again. Hazrat Omar Farooq's fame is due to the greatest just ruler in history who was not even mentioned in Imran Khan's government.

The question is, why don't they mention this justice? His fame was due to the fact that his son was punished during his caliphate while Imran Khan has absolved himself and all his loved ones from accountability.
Hazrat Umar Farooq was the caliph who never had two years on his table. Did Khan ever mention this aspect of his personality? When you appointed a person to a government post, you would keep an estimate of his assets. Did Imran Khan keep Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Zulfi Bukhari? And what about others?

When he made someone governor, he would advise him never to sit on a Turkish horse, not to wear thin clothes, not to eat sifted flour, not to keep a janitor and not to close the door on any complaint.
Didn't Khan himself keep a porter? Are the doors of the Prime Minister's House and the palace of Bani Gala open to the common man? This phrase of Hazrat Omar Farooq is the charter of human rights that "mothers give birth to children freely, since when have you enslaved them".

Did Khan ever think of this phrase after coming to power? How many thousands of people are missing in his time? He also snatched the freedom of expression given to him by Pervez Musharraf, Zardari and Nawaz Sharif and imprisoned every single political opponent, even women.

Hazrat Umar Farooq was the only ruler of the world who used to say that if a dog died of starvation on the banks of the Euphrates, his wallet would be old. But how many innocent people are being killed every day in Khan's government.
Did he, following the Sunnah of Hazrat Umar Farooq, ever think that on the Day of Resurrection he would be asked for every single murder? Therefore, one of the reasons for the fame of Hazrat Omar Farooq is that during his caliphate, Muslims achieved unprecedented victories and successes.

In addition to raising the banner of the greatness of Islam by grafting Caesar and Qasr, the Muslims became victorious and reached Syria, Egypt, Iraq, the island, Khuzestan, Ajam, Armina, Azerbaijan, Persia, Kerman, Khorasan and Makran.

On the other hand, in Imran Khan's government, Modi usurped our Kashmir from us and we watched the spectacle.

Imran Khan would start his speeches with Ayak Nabdavayak Nastaeen and then start talking about traditional politicians. šŸ‘ˆ Example of Imran Khan šŸ”• and Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed my Opinion
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