Public Service Loan Forgiveness Works!!! How We Got 220,000 In Student Loans Discharged
Published at : September 23, 2021
There's so much misinformation out there about the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. Today we're sharing how we got over $220,000 in student loans discharged under the PSLF program and best practices if you choose to pursue this repayment option for your federal student loans.
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We believe that you deserve to live your dream life, one where you get to say yes to the spending for a life that you love today while also building wealth for your best financial future. One Big Happy Life helps you creating a life you love by finding the right balance between your personal and financial goals.
Life isn’t just about one thing but money touches on just about everything. Personal finance doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming.
Our goal is to empower you to take charge of your money and create the life you want.
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This video is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Please consult an attorney or certified financial planner who will put your interests before theirs.
*The footage in this video is property of One Big Happy Life. You are not allowed to use this footage without permission. To request permission please email contact@onebighappylife.com
Ready to let go of debt stress for good? Take our free money masterclass: How to Stop Stressing About Debt ▸▸▸ https://onebighappylife.com/enddebtstress
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▸▸▸About One Big Happy Life
We believe that you deserve to live your dream life, one where you get to say yes to the spending for a life that you love today while also building wealth for your best financial future. One Big Happy Life helps you creating a life you love by finding the right balance between your personal and financial goals.
Life isn’t just about one thing but money touches on just about everything. Personal finance doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming.
Our goal is to empower you to take charge of your money and create the life you want.
▸▸▸Disclaimers & Copyright
This video is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Please consult an attorney or certified financial planner who will put your interests before theirs.
*The footage in this video is property of One Big Happy Life. You are not allowed to use this footage without permission. To request permission please email contact@onebighappylife.com

student loan forgivenessstudent loan forgiveness programstudent loan forgiveness update